Isn’t it funny

Isn’t it funny that I seem to only write on here when I’m upset. It’s not really funny, just interesting I guess. Nothing new here folks. Depression seems it’s ugly head again. Out of nowhere too. I haven’t been really sad since the end of February…. February people. That’s a long time for me. But man, when it hits, it hits. I’ve started 2 jobs, decided to write nursing, gotten a relationship (first since my divorce), and realized that I know nothing about who I am. I used to think I had a pretty good idea of who I was, but now, not so much. Do you ever have days where all you want to do is lay there and stare. Days where you feel everyone’s pain. Let’s face it, we are all in some form of pain or have been our will be. I have the lovely gift of empathy. Meaning, I not only can feel my pain, but get good glimpses of other people’s pain. Whew, that one can be tough. But, who do I find my peace in? I know who I should and who I thought I had, but then days like these hit. Days like these make me remember where I’ve been and how far I’ve come from that darkness. Abide in me,Lord. Help me abide in You.